event rules west haven days car show
Hot Wheels Racing
Loud and Proud Contest (open exhaust)
Burn Out Competition
West Haven City has been generous in allowing us the opportunity to participate in these fun events. Our number one goal is safety for all those in attendance. You are welcome to enter any or all of the events as long as
you act responsibly. If you choose to not obey the rules or the staff, you will be asked to leave the premises. This is important to our continuation of these events. The show chairman will assess any violations and make a judgment call. We ask that you help us keep everyone's safety in mind while participation in any event.
If you are interested in an event, please scroll through this document to view the rules for the event you would like to participate in. Before registering please review the rules to see if your car qualifies to compete. You will be required to sign a waiver of acceptance and responsibility.
Thank You!
Hot Wheels Racing
Loud and Proud Contest (open exhaust)
Burn Out Competition
West Haven City has been generous in allowing us the opportunity to participate in these fun events. Our number one goal is safety for all those in attendance. You are welcome to enter any or all of the events as long as
you act responsibly. If you choose to not obey the rules or the staff, you will be asked to leave the premises. This is important to our continuation of these events. The show chairman will assess any violations and make a judgment call. We ask that you help us keep everyone's safety in mind while participation in any event.
If you are interested in an event, please scroll through this document to view the rules for the event you would like to participate in. Before registering please review the rules to see if your car qualifies to compete. You will be required to sign a waiver of acceptance and responsibility.
Thank You!
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